VOLO Booking
A flight & hotel booking concierge service.
Making everyone happy with experience and expertise

We do all the work - you enjoy the service and the lowest rates
The airline ticket concierge service you’ve always dreamed of.
Let our itinerary and booking experts impress you.
Why choose us 
Imagine a world where you never have to worry about the hassle and worries of booking your next flight. A world where you can sit back, relax and let the experts handle everything for you. That world is now a reality with VOLO Booking.
Our team of seasoned professionals, with over 30 years of experience in the airline industry, are dedicated to delivering you the ultimate in convenience, comfort, quality choices and peace of mind. We understand the importance of your time, and we're here to take care of everything for you, from securing the lowest possible airfare, to crafting the perfect, most efficient and most relaxing itinerary available. Trust us to make your flight booking and travel experience seamless, stress-free, and truly unforgettable.
Proudly booking flights for universities such as Harvard, NYU, Columbia, Boston University, etc., fashion photographers, major film production companies, CEOs and assistants of businesses of all kinds.